“The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you,
not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.”
-Jalaluddin Rumi
Couples Mentoring
Have you wondered how you can deepen your primary love relationship? Do you want to bring more of yourself to your relationship? Would you like more intimacy in your relationship?
All of these issues are common in love relationships and we are available to help. As a couple with 25+ years of our own relationship challenges and solutions as a reference, plus many other solid resources to share, we can help you and your love partner build a deeper, more satisfying, and joy-filled relationship. We have extensive experience as mentors having shepherded dozens of ministry students through their first year of training at One Spirit Interfaith Seminary.
What is the difference between Couples Mentoring and Couples Counseling?
Couples counselors are trained to diagnose and help clients with emotional problems, past experiences, or dysfunction. Their approach is strictly clinical in nature.
A mentor is a wise and trusted guide and advisor. The mentor is the teacher that shares their experience. Think back to a time when you had to make a difficult decision or do something you didn’t feel ready to attempt.

That is what we provide our couples. We bring the enthusiasm and experience of our own relationship to the mentoring relationship and offer our support and wisdom to yours.
Every couple is unique and our time together is dependent on your needs and goals. Sessions can be in person or via teleconference. We work together couple-to-couple and privately one-on-one when needed.
You may have been fortunate enough to have someone who supported you and helped you to resolve the situation in your own way. If not, imagine the difference it would have made to have talked it through with someone you respected. They may have tested some of your assumptions or helped you see the matter from a different perspective.